Experience and studies has proven, that good Leadership is the single most important factor in creating and maintaining great results in both businesses and public services.
Good leaders will attract and retain the best and most qualified people.
Good leaders will inspire their surroundings and create space for creativity and new ideas
Good leaders break down damaging barriers and create strong networks both internally and externally
Good leaders will challenge assumptions and challenge their leaders
Good leaders will strive to improve and develop to master their position best possible and grow to fill the next
Good leaders sees change as an inevitable and positive part of life and finds ways to best foresee and act accordingly
What we believe
There are 3 (4*) major motivators: Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose. Leaders should lead with their focus on purpose, people and passion. Doing so and always helping people to grow, improve and learn, they are well on the way to empower everyone around them and thereby fuelling all three major motivators. Knowing the Purpose or the “Why” we do what we do and how our own purpose is linked is essential. Improving, learning and developing our Mastery and thereby empowering people to take ownership and be self directing is the Autonomy.
*The last major motivator is fear. But fear is short lived and will only have negative outcomes on a longer perspective; people will hide, fight or leave.
Some inspiration - click on pictures:
Velskov. Native Forest Farm
Executive Meetings and training in the native forest.
A letter from Yvon Chouinard